吉大港于6月7日通知表示,会敦促所有相关人员及时提箱提货,否则,海关将根据相关规定采取行动。船公司关于吉大港流向危货最新通知:COSCO-CS暂停接运进出孟加拉吉大港流向危险货物所有进出孟加拉吉大港的危险货物(根据IMDG规范)将立即暂停。Notice on suspension of receiving dangerous goods import export of Chittagong, BangladeshAs you may be aware of the serious fire incident happened in thenight 4th June 2022, 09:00 pm (local time) at BM CONTAINER DEPOT(CGP19), a private off dock , located 20 kilometer far away from ChittagongPort, as of the last (07 Jun 2022 12:16 PM BdST), 41 deaths had beenconfirmed from the blaze, over two hundred were injured. The cause of theaccident is still under active investigation.Based on above, hereby we regret to notify that all theDangerous Goods (per IMDG Code) to be imported exported to/fromChittagong, Bangladesh, will be suspended with immediate effect.Any new change will be subjected to further notice.Appreciate your attention cooperation accordingly, thank youvery much!HMM关于BDCGP DG禁止类别通知根据吉大港海关最新通知,近期以下DG类别将被禁止运输。即日起生效。Class2.2, 2.1 & 2.3Fire ExtinguiserREFRIGERANT GASETHYLENE OXIDE GASSULFUR DIOXIDE (SO2)GAS,CYLINDERSULFUR HEXAFLUORIDEAny type gas cylindercargo.Class5.2Organic peroxidesClass5.1Hydrogen peroxidesAmmonium NitratePotassium NitratePotassium ChlorateClass4.1Red Phosphorus.Other DG cargo item.Acetone, Butanol,Cyclohexanone, Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, Butanol, Butyl Acetate, Iso-Propyl,Alcohol, Thinner, Xylene,Ethyl Acetate, SolventMTT, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Methyl Iso Butyl ketone, Toluene, Sodium Nitrate,Sulphur.8日,交通运输部官网发布通知称,危险货物港口作业是交通运输安全风险防控的重点领域。进入夏季以来,高温酷暑、暴雨雷电和台风影响叠加,季节性不安全因素增加。为认真落实国务院关于安全生产工作部署,深入落实交通运输安全生产强化年实施方案,坚决做好夏季危险货物港口作业安全工作。